Monday, June 6, 2011

Reflections on When it Really Started

January, when Peyton turned one, everything really started to get bad. Due to his milk and rice "sensitivities", his pediatrician recommended that we see the pediatric allergist before completely weening him from the formula to make sure there was no other foods that he had allergies to. The only one that came back positive was the rice, and he only was reactive on the skin with that, not in the blood tests. So the allergist diagnosed him with the FPIES, trigger foods milk and rice. With that his pediatrician told us to go ahead and start weening him to soy milk, and then when we could try getting him off his reflux meds.
Peyton on his First Birthday (Jan. 19th)

WARNING: Graphic discussion on Peyton poop!
Around this time, he started to have stools that were looser than usual. The more food we introduced, the more food he ate, the less formula he had, he went from 4 loose stools to 8, and then to 8 diarrhea per day. The diarrhea was not normal. It was like water with mucous and chunks of food in it. It smelled like the most rancid, sulfuric stench that you have ever smelled (you could be in the living room and him in the family room and know that he had just pooped). He had no fever. He didn't fuss much. He slowly began to get irritable, his legs were stiff and he would clench them up against his body when we held him. He was clingy. He started to go into almost like a fog. He would observe, but not interact as much as he used to. He became clumsy, regressed back to his "ohh's and ahh's" instead of the da, ma and ba sounds he had been doing so well on. He didn't smile as much. He just wasn't Peyton.

The problem was as his mommy and daddy, we were with him everyday and we just didn't see all of this all together and were so focused on the diarrhea. We couldn't even see the dramatic weight loss, the pale skin, the circles under his eyes.

Peyton in February (Feb. 3rd)
One Friday night in February, about three weeks after the diarrhea went up to 8 times a day, Meghan was at the women's candlelight dinner at our church with Peyton's aunt Julie and Grammy. Both of them made comments to her about how Peyton looked like he was loosing a lot of weight, his eyes had circles under them, he was pale, and just didn't look healthy. After they said this, Meghan took a good look at him and sure enough, even though we see him everyday, we didn't see how sick he really was until then.

 Peyton on March 10th